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The Standish 2017 Single Vineyard Shiraz Barossa Valley
The Standish 2017 Single Vineyard Shiraz Barossa Valley

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The Standish 2017 Single Vineyard Shiraz Barossa Valley

restlos ausverkauft  (Ausland abweichend)
Inhalt in Liter:
Barossa Valley
Parker Punkte:
im Holz mit bis zu 20% neuem französischen Fässern
Lagerpotenzial ab Jahrgang:
15 – 20 Jahre
dekantieren / karaffieren:
ja 2-3 Stunden
Trinktemperatur (in Grad °C):
16 – 18
unsere interne Kategorie:
Grosser Shiraz aus down under
Alkoholgehalt in Vol.%:
enthält Sulfite
Herstelleradresse / Inverkehrbringer / Herkunftsangabe:
The Standish Winery319 Kalimna RoadLight PassSouth Australia 5355
0,00 EUR

Dieses Produkt ist z.B. kompatibel zu:

Standish 2021 Lamella Shiraz Barossa Valley

96 Sucklingpunkte für den The Standish 2021 Lamella ShirazNed Goodwin verkostet den The Standish 2021 Lamella Shiraz im November 2023:

This is an exceptional wine of billowing power, tannic exactitude and prodigious complexity. Iodine and purple florals define the nose, before a crescendo of purple pastille, anise, charcuterie pepper and clove. Polished and suave, with a curtain of classy oak wrapped across the teeming finish. An exercise in how to manage extract and primary fruit into a paradigm of immense class, poise, layer after layer of complexity and nigh on effortless drinkability. Bravo. Drinkable now, but best from 2027.

98+ Punkte vom Wine Advocate für den The Standish 2021 Lamella ShirazErin Larkin meint im Mai 2023: "Super":

The 2021 Lamella Shiraz is made with fruit from the Angas family vineyard, Hutton Vale Farm, Eden Valley. The vineyard was planted with cuttings from the Mt Edelstone (Henschke) vineyard and represents the final pick of the season each year. Made with 100% whole bunches in the ferment, the wine opens with characteristic jasmine tea, bergamot, raspberry, graphite and star anise on the nose. The whole-bunch component, far from overtaking the fruit, is seamlessly integrated from the first instance this year. The wine is a cohesive whole and shows an elegance and presence that is beguiling, to say the least. If anything, the 2021 Lamella is full of aching potential; its future is writ upon the balance of fruit and skin/stalk tannin, freshness and density. For lovers of this cuvée, I cannot recall seeing it so balanced and poised on release. The 2018 (a vintage I reference constantly for its high quality and fruit presence) may challenge this statement, however the cool vintage that birthed the Lamella this year has produced a wine of definition and untold potential. Super. Sealed under natural cork. 14.9% alcohol.

Diesen Artikel erhalten Sie nicht einzeln, sondern nur als Kombination mit den anderen herausragenden Standish-Weinen im Quartett:

"The Standish Wine Company - The Selection Vintage 2021 by CB Weinhandel"

96 Punkte vom Wine Advocate für den The Standish 2021 Single Vineyard Shiraz Barossa ValleyErin Larkin zum The Standish 2021 Single Vineyard Shiraz Barossa Valley (Mai 2023):

The 2021 The Standish Shiraz was made with fruit from the Laycock family vineyard, Greenock, with 30% whole bunches in the ferment. The Standish Shiraz was the first cuvée launched by Dan Standish in 1999, and the wine is routinely typified by its muscular tannin shape and earthy, savory fruit. The most attractive part of this wine is the splay of exotic market spice (namely sumac, black pepper, star anise and fresh cardamom) that sails in on the coattails of the red/purple fruit. It has all the exoticism and romance of a hike through the mountains of Morocco, yet it, perhaps more than any other wine in the collection, speaks of the Barossa in a clear enunciated voice. So, where does it fit in 2021? The 2021 The Standish Shiraz is finer, prettier and lighter than I have ever seen it at this stage of its life. It has all the spice and Barossan identity that is expected; however, it misses the dense baritone of fruit that is present in earlier iterations. Whether you think that is a positive or not is up to you—I am fond of this wine throughout all its incarnations. Vintage variation is responsible for the spark of curiosity and joy that I experience every year during this release, and the real triumph in 2021 is the ability of the vineyard (this vineyard) to shine through the season that shaped it. 14.9% alcohol.

Diesen Artikel erhalten Sie nicht einzeln, sondern nur als Kombination mit den anderen herausragenden Standish-Weinen im Quartett:

"The Standish Wine Company - The Selection Vintage 2021 by CB Weinhandel"
104,00 EUR
138,67 EUR pro l
Standish The Schubert Theorem 2021

Wie immer beim 'The Schubert Theorem Shiraz ein nachtschwarzes, blickdichtes Gewand mit tiefdunkel violetten Reflexen. Unglaublich erhabener und fast ehrfürchtiger Auftritt.Was für ein schwarzes Biest im Glas.

Betörende und exquisite, wohlriechende intensive Fruchtauszüge aus feinem Blaubeergelee, reinen Himbeeren und knackigen schwarzen Kirschen erheben sich aus dem Glas, durchströmen die Nasenflügel und verbinden sich mit feinen Kalamata-Oliven, türkischem Mocca, duftendem Piment und auch etwas Holzfeuerrauch. Die wahrlich großartige, komplexe und tiefe Nase macht unglaublich Lust auf den ersten Schluck.

Der überaus strukturreiche, elegante und reichhaltige Gaumen ist gesättigt mit Wellen von saftigen, reinen und konzentrierten dunklen Satsuma Pflaumen, wilden Blaubeeren, feinen Brombeeren und Himbeeren, dunklen Schokoladenaromen, filigranen Lakritz,- und Mineraliknoten und sogar ein Hauch von edler Marcona-Mandel. Mit etwas Zeit sind auch Blutorange und Nektarine zu erkennen. Sich stetig wandelnd im Glas hat dieser Beauté alle Komponenten, die einen Weltklassewein ausmachen. Alles ist magisch mit den sehr cremigen und seidigen Tanninen verschmolzen und sorgen für ein unglaublich hedonistisches und erhabenes Mundgefühl und münden in ein endlos langes und genussvolles Finale.

Dan Standish: "Rich and smooth, dark and brooding, exotic five spice, graphite and blue fruits. Robust, building palate reinforced by solid red fruit structure. Firmly packed in flavours, vibrant and multifaceted."

99 Punkte vom Wine Advocate für den Standish 2021 The Schubert TheoremErin Larkin schreibt am 11. Mai 2023 für Robert Parker:

The 2021 The Schubert Theorem Shiraz was made with fruit from the Roennenfeldt Road vineyard, in Marananga, with 70% whole bunches in the ferment. The northeastern corner of this vineyard is matured in concrete egg to preserve the blue-fruited core that defines the style of this wine; it is the only cuvée that features an alternate maturation vessel. I knew (before and) when I tasted the 2019 and 2020 vintages what I was going to get, by and large. When I was in the Barossa in June 2021, I was already thinking about what the Schubert would look like from this year, as the perceived fit of season and style had the potential to dovetail in a most titillating fashion—a "stars aligning" kind of thing. A cool season overlays a warm site capable of producing dark, dense, sometimes brooding, always pure Shiraz. The combination of concrete egg (and, in this case, a slightly shorter maturation in this vessel) and cooler year has produced a wine of scintillating precision and fruit sweetness. It glows with its own black light. It shimmers and oscillates between fruit luminescence and plush tannic texture, and in doing so, it barely contains its own energy and abundance. The distinction between this profusion of fruit and the old "fruit bombs" of yore is the precision of acid and pliable fruit tannin that defines the middle palate and the ability of the fruit (courtesy of the winemaking) to shine through the vessels in which it matured. The tannin that shapes the wine is plentiful, make no mistake, yet it is ductile and fine and threads through every aspect of the palate. A thrilling Schubert this year, it's like a strike of lightning on a dark night. This wine appeals most fervently to my penchant for freshness, energy and resonant bass line. 14.9% alcohol.

James Suckling hat den Wein leider noch nicht bewertet, wir fügen daher einfach die 99 Punkte ein, die er für den vorangegangene Jahrgang vergeben hat. Wir denken, damit können Sie sich ein gutes Bild von diesem Aushängeschild an Wein machen:

99 Sucklingpunkte für den Standish 2020 The Schubert Theorem
Unbelievable! Another insane wine. The length of this is endless. The blue fruits and Asian spices are mind-blowing. It’s medium- to full-bodied with a mouth full of polished and refined, creamy tannins. It goes on for minutes. Endless. Seamless and gorgeous. Leave this for years ahead if you can keep your hands off it. Better after 2025.

Diesen Artikel erhalten Sie nicht einzeln, sondern nur als Kombination mit den anderen herausragenden Standish-Weinen im Quartett:

"The Standish Wine Company - The Selection Vintage 2021 by CB Weinhandel"
104,00 EUR
138,67 EUR pro l