Diverse Brände

Monkey 47 Schwarzwald Dry Gin 47% - 0.5 Liter
Just an other Gin ?

Certainly Not! Admittedly, it appears somewhat eccentric to claim that a recipe for gin has the power to unite great British traditions, the exoticness of India, and the purity and nativeness of the Black Forest. And yet it is precisely this eccentricity that defines the enigmatic character of Montgomery Collins, from whom our Schwarzwald Dry Gin originates. MONKEY 47 - Distilled from 47 predominantly unusual but regional botanicals such as lingonberries and blended with natural spring water. Cheers!

Robert Parker Jr.
The greatest Gin I have ever tasted

If our word wasn’t good enough for you, how about the word of the world’s most pre-eminent wine critic Robert Parker who recently stated on Twitter: “a friend brought me back a bottle of Monkey 47 GIN, made from 47 botanicals in Germany's Black Forest - the greatest gin I have ever tasted.” Ok, we’re not sure if that makes it 100 points, but it is as close as we can get. Well, not bad at all  for a gin that Commander Collins invented as long as 60 years ago – mainly out of nothing more than a nostalgic yearning for England. Thank you Mr. Parker and Cheers!

Quelle: Monkey47.com
Nicht käuflich
Borell Diehl Weinbergpfirsisch Likör
15,00 EUR
30,00 EUR pro l
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Monkey 47 Schwarzwald Sloe Gin 29% - 0.5 Liter

Au Contraire! More Bollenhut than Bowler and Turban, this masterfully handcrafted and unfiltered sloe gin is unique in its complexity while accentuating great British traditions and the nativeness of the Black Forest. Distilled in small batches from 47 predominantly unusual but regional botanicals and macerated with wild-growing, handpicked sloe berries from the Black Forest, this Schwarzwald sloe gin is a true MONKEY 47, but nevertheless a whole different one.

Quelle: Monkey47.com
32,50 EUR
65,00 EUR pro l
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Schloss Johannisberg Schloss Gin Small Batch 44% - 0.5 Liter
Vom Online-Magazin „Der Feinschmecker“ausgezeichnet als „Bester Gin Deutschlands“

Versetzt mit sonnengereiften Bitterorangenschalen vom Schloss Johannisberg verbindet dieser Gin Aromen von Wacholderbeeren mit floralen Noten von Lavendel und der Frische von Zitronengras. Im Abgang spürt man deutlich die Fruchtigkeit der Bitterorange. Der exquisite „SCHLOSS GIN“ wird nach London Dry Art mit ausschließlich natürlichen Pflanzenstoffen destilliert und in kleiner Stückzahl produziert. Die verwendeten Bitterorangen stammen übrigens aus dem schlosseigenen Garten der Domäne Johannisberg.
34,50 EUR
69,00 EUR pro l
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
1 bis 4 (von insgesamt 4)