Kumeu River
Unser Sortiment besteht bei Verfügbarkeit aus folgenden Qualitäten von Kumeu River:
Kumeu River Village Chardonnay, Kumeu River Village Pinot Noir, Kumeu River Village Pinot Gris, Kumeu River Estate Chardonnay, Kumeu River Coddington Chardonnay, Kumeu River Hunting Hill Chardonnay, Kumeu River Mate´s Vineyard Chardonnay und den neuen Kumeu River Rays Road Chardonnay.
Hier finden Sie einen spannenden Blog Eintrag zur Empfehlung von Stuart Pigott in der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Sonntagszeitung vom 11.11.2018
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Kumeu River Wines ist ein alteingesessenes Familienunternehmen. Seit 1937, als die kroaotische Familie Braichowich nach Neuseeland auswanderte, ist Kumeu dort ansässig. Vom internationalen Markt sind die Kumeu Weine nicht mehr wegzudenken und stellen eine feste Größe dar. Vor allem die herausragenden Chardonnays werden Jahr für Jahr hervorragenden Auszeichnungen von großen Weinkritikern geadelt.
Der Jahrgang 2020 bei Kumeu River:
The early flowering in Spring brought the harvest date forward by 7-10 days compared to normal. This, coupled with warm dry ripening conditions, enabled the grapes to reach perfect maturity.
Our own Hawkes Bay vineyards at Rays Road produced the best fruit we have seen yet from this unique site. With new clonal plantings of Chardonnay in their first year of production, we were able to blend some extra ripeness and richness with the fresh limestone vibrancy of the existing vines. The result is an exciting Rays Road Chardonnay showing white flowers and lemon on the nose, with vibrant acidity and tingly oyster-shell minerality on the palate.
Similarly with the Rays Road Pinot Noir plantings, we have the best yet from the 5 clones planted. Colours were dense, but more importantly the fruit was ripe and redolent with berryfruit. On the palate these wines have lovely chalky texture with a firm but supple finish. Most of the Pinot Noir has gone into our Kumeu Village blend, aged only in stainless steel to retain the youthful fruit. A selection of the very best ferments, however, have gone into older oak barrels for maturation. This will be released as Rays Road Pinot Noir, and the 2020 sets a new benchmark for our wines from this vineyard.