Glaetzer (Barossa Valley)

Wir bieten Ihnen gerne Folgende Glaetzer Weine an.
Das Sortiment von Ben Glaetzer besteht aus vier verschiedenen Weinen, mit denen er praktisch die wichtigsten Rotweintypen des Barossa Valley abdeckt. Fangen wir mit dem Topwein an: der Amon Ra Shiraz by Ben Glaetzer ist ein unfiltrierter Shiraz aus den ältesten Rebstöcken aus den eigene Weinbergen im Ebenezer District im Norden des Barossa Valley. Auf einer Augenhöhe ist der Anaperenna by Ben Glaetzer, einer Cuvee aus Shiraz und Cabernet Sauvignon. Hin und wieder produziert Ben Glaetzer keinen Anaperenna, da er auf Top Jahrgänge und beste Qualität der Cabernet Trauben angewiesen ist. Der Bishop Shiraz by Ben Glaetzer ist der zweite reine Shiraz im Sortiment und beruft sich auf den Mädchennamen von Ben´s Mutter. Den Einstieg in das Glaetzer Sortiment bildet die Cuvee Wallace by Ben Glaetzer. Eine sehr gelungene Blend aus Shiraz und Grenache, dieser Wein repräsentiert einen sehr gängigen Weinstil im Barossa Valley, man vermählt hier die dominante Shiraz Traube mit der Grenache, die dann frische und Eleganz in die Weine bringt.
Ob also Amon Ra, Anaperenna, Bishop oder Wallace, wenn es um authentische Barossa Valley Rotweine geht, sind Sie mit den Weinen von Glaetzer immer auf dem goldenen Weg.
Ben Glaetzer über den Jahrgang 2017 im Ebenezer District / Barossa Valley, aus diesem Bereich kommen alle Trauben für die Glaetzer Wines:
Quelle: Vimeo Glaetzer Wines
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Auszeichnungen der Weine von Ben Glaetzer:
Ben Glaetzer has chalked up some prestigious winemaking honours. These include:
- New World Winemaker of the Year in Behind the Label 2006 (UK).
- Qantas Young Winemaker of the Year in 2004.
- Robert M. Parker Jnr chose Ben as his Wine Personality of the Year 2005. Parker said: "When I look at the winemaker behind some of my favourite Australian wines, the name Ben Glaetzer seems to come up frequently. From a winemaking family dating back to the late 19th century, he has shown an exquisite talent for accessing fabulous vineyards and turning out world class wines from old-vine Shiraz and Grenache. His Amon-Ra Shiraz is one of the great new wines of Australia, made with power as well as elegance. This is a serious talent who has exploded on the wine scene with a brilliant array of wines".
- The 2004 Godolphin was the winner of The Great Australian Red in a national competition to find the best shiraz / cabernet sauvignon blend in Australia.
- Ben gathered an impressive swag of awards at MUNDUSvini 2007, the most important wine prize in Germany. A total of 12 awards, including one Double Gold for Godolphin 2005; nine Gold awards, spread over Glaetzer, Heartland & Mitolo; and two Silver awards. This is the best result a single winemaker has had in the competition's history.
- In January 2008, Ben was named by Graham Boynton of London’s Telegraph newspaper as one of "five icons of Australia’s cultural cool".
- Glaetzer Anaperenna 2006 was awarded the trophy for Best Australian Red Blend over £10 at the Decanter World Wine Awards 2008.
- Glaetzer Anaperenna 2006 was also chosen as one of the "Landmark Australia" wines in the Wine Australia marketing program in 2008. Landmark Australia showcases Australia’s fine wines of distinction.
- In 2008 Ben was named a "Comet" – one of the world's bright young winemakers by Ray Isle in Food & Drink Magazine, USA.
- In both 2008 & 2009 Ben was nominated (along with only five other nominees) for The Wine Enthusiast magazine (USA) Winemaker of the Year.
- Ben has been made a "Baron of the Barossa" for his contribution to the cultural fabric of the Barossa Valley. Life membership of this wine fraternity is by invitation only.
- In July 2011, July 2012 & July 2013 Ben Glaetzer, Glaetzer Wines was awarded 5 stars in James Halliday 2012, 2013 & 2014 Wine Companions."