Bordeaux 2020

Der Bordeaux-Jahrgang 2020 wird als ein außergewöhnlicher Jahrgang angesehen, der sowohl Eleganz als auch Kraft vereint. Der Jahrgang zeichnet sich durch eine brillante Balance zwischen frischer Säure, dichter Frucht und feinen Tanninen aus, was auf das günstige Wetter und eine sorgfältige Weinbereitung zurückzuführen ist. Besonders die Rotweine strahlen eine beeindruckende Intensität aus, während die Weißweine durch ihre klare Struktur und Reinheit bestechen.

In unserem Sortiment finden sich herausragende Weine wie Château d'Armailhac, das für seine raffinierte Struktur und fruchtige Tiefe bekannt ist, sowie Château Pape Clément, das sowohl Kritiker als auch Weinliebhaber mit seinen vielschichtigen Aromen und seiner Langlebigkeit begeistert. Diese Weine bieten großartiges Potenzial für die Lagerung und zeigen das Beste, was der Jahrgang 2020 zu bieten hat.

Stöbern Sie also gerne durch unser Portfolio, egal ob Mouton Rothschild oder Chateau Figeac, die grossen Klassiker haben wir alle für Sie eingekauft.

Chateau Ausone 2020 Saint Emilion
98+ Punkte von Jeb Dunnuck für den Jeb Dunnuck beschreibt den Chateau Ausone 2020 wie folgt:
A blend of equal parts Cabernet Franc and Merlot (the last time it was this blend was in 2010), the 2020 Château Ausone spent 20 months in new French oak, which has already been just about completely absorbed by this beauty. In comparison to the Chapelle d'Ausone, the Grand Vin is tighter and straighter, with an incredible yet primordial bouquet of red, blue, and black fruits intermixed with notions of iron, smoked tobacco, and graphite, with a liqueur of rocks-like sense of minerality. Dense purple-hued, full-bodied, backward, incredibly concentrated, and powerful, it has building tannins, a dense, stacked mid-palate, and enough structure and baby fat to warrant a solid decade of bottle age. This is a powerful Ausone built for the long haul, and it will unquestionably rank with the greats from the Vauthier family.
99 Sucklingpunkte für den James Suckling beschreibt den Chateau Ausone 2020 wie folgt:
The flowers in the nose are spectacular with violets, lavender, and honeysuckle. Then there’s wet stone and freshly cut limestone. Plus there’s raspberries and blueberries. The palate is full-bodied yet very tight and reserved, with fine tannins that run the length of the wine as well as hints of cedar, sandalwood and vanilla bean. It’s long and very racy and complex. Needs eight to 10 years of bottle age to open and come together. Try after 2032.
Vom Falstaff-Magazin mit 97-99 Punkten bewertet
Anfangs wenig offen. Etwas Amarenakirsche. Pfeffrige Noten. Mit Luftkontakt rote und schwarze Johannisbeere. Dann mehr und mehr harzig-würzige Aromen. Im Mund fleischiges Tannin mit einem kraftvoll Kalk-mineralisch unterlegten Gerbst- offkorn, dazu eine kultivierte, integrierte und dennoch auch vife Säure. Sehr lange Plateauphase in der Struktur, vibrierend vor Spannung, und dann doch auch mit einer cremigen Unterlage, die alles einbettet und abrundet. Große Länge.
99 Punkte vom Vinous-Team für de Antonio Galloni bewertet den Chateau Ausone 2020 im Dezember 2022 nahe der Perfektion, er schwärmt : what a wine und gibt den Sammlern dieses Weins eine sehr lange Entwicklung mit auf den Weg.
890,00 EUR
1.186,67 EUR pro l
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Chateau Margaux 2020 Margaux
97+ Punkte vom Wine Advocate für denDie Degustationsnotiz des Wine Advocate zum Chateau Margaux 2020 Margaux :
The 2020 Château Margaux is a brilliant young wine, unfurling in the glass with aromas of dark berries and cherries mingled with hints of rose petals, iris, burning embers and pencil lead. Medium to full-bodied, deep and concentrated, with terrific tension, beautifully refined tannins and a long, penetration finish, this is a vibrant, dynamic Margaux that stands out as the most classically proportioned wine of the 2018, 2019 and 2020 trio.
100 Sucklingpunkte für denJames Suckling schreibt zum Chateau Margaux 2020 Margaux Folgendes:
Gorgeous aromas of dark plums and violets. Orange peel, too. Some crushed stone. Bark. Stems. Iron shavings. Full-bodied, but very tight and compacted. The tannins are all here making it very structured, yet they are polished and melted together. Needs years to show all of its greatness. Incredible polish and structure. More structured than the 2019. Try after 2030 and beyond.
98 Punkte vom Falstaff für denzum Chateau Margaux 2020 Margaux sagt das Falstaff-Magazin am 22.02.2023 Folgendes:
Dunkles Rubingranat, violette Reflexe, tiefer Kern, zarte Randaufhellung. Süße Herzkirschfrucht, zart nach Rosenblättern, feine reife Pflaumenfrucht, ein Hauch von Vanille und Orangenzesten, etwas Nugat, sehr einladende und verführerische Nase. Saftig, elegant, zartes Cassis, frische Kirschen, sehr puristisch, seidige, feine Tannine, frisch und lebendig, voll Charme und Harmonie, bleibt lange haften, ein delikater Wein mit sehr guter Länge. (2025–2060)
97+ Punkte Jeb DunnuckJeb Dunnuck zum Chateau Margaux 2020 Margaux:
As to the Grand Vin, the 2020 Château Margaux is 89% Cabernet Sauvignon, 8% Merlot, and the rest Petit Verdot and Cabernet Franc, pulled from a tiny 36% of the total production, that spent 20 months in new barrels. It has that classic Château Margaux sense of elegance and complexity and offers full-bodied aromas and flavors of ripe currants, blueberries, acacia flowers, crushed stone, and sandalwood that develop with time in the glass. With remarkable purity as well as flawless balance, it's a seriously concentrated, powerful 2020 that still just glides across the palate with no hard edges, silky tannins, and a great finish. I love everything about this wine. It's going to flirt with perfection in 7-8 years and evolve for 50-75 years. It actually reminds me slightly of the 2016.

849,50 EUR
1.132,67 EUR pro l
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Chateau Haut Brion 2020 Pessac Leognan
99  Punkte vom Wine Advocate für den Chateau Haut Brion 2020 Pessac Leognan Den Chateau Haut Brion 2020 Pessac Leognan beschreibt William Kelley wie folgt:
The 2020 Haut-Brion is more aromatically demonstrative than La Mission Haut-Brion, bursting with aromas of blackberries and raspberries mingled with licorice, cigar wrapper, pencil shavings and nicely integrated new oak. Full-bodied, ample and fleshy, it's rich and layered, with an enveloping core of fruit that's girdled by plenty of sweet, powdery tannin. Despite checking in at a similarly lofty alcoholic degree to the 2019, its more granular tannic profile tempers the vintage's sweetness of fruit and lends the wine a more classically proportioned, and more classically structured, profile.
98 Suckling-Punkte für den Chateau Haut Brion 2020James Suckling schreibt zum Chateau Haut Brion 2020 Pessac Leognan Folgendes:
Aromas of blackberry, licorice, tile, stone and mocha. Tobacco and cigar, too. They follow through to a full body with ultra-fine tannins that go on and on. Sophisticated ripe fruit in the center palate with a brightness. Tangerines in the finish. Very supple and savory at the end, in a classy way. Reminds me of the 1998. Already so attractive, but it will reward you much more after 2028.

100 Punkte von Jeb Dunnuck für den Chateau Haut Brion 2020 Pessac Leognan Den Chateau Haut Brion 2020 Pessac Leognan beschreibt Jeb Dunnuck wie folgt:
I finished my trip through Bordeaux with the 2020 Château Haut-Brion, and it was certainly a fitting cap to the trip. Revealing a deep ruby/plum hue, the 2020 exhibits extraordinary aromatics of ripe black fruits, scorched earth, cold fireplace, and acacia flowers. An absolute blockbuster on the palate, this structured, full-bodied, massively concentrated Pessac builds incrementally, with ultra-fine tannins, a deep, layered mid-palate, and a great, great finish. Richer and more concentrated than both the 2018 and 2019 (there are some similarities to 2010), this is a legend in the making. The blend is 42.8% Merlot, 39.7% Cabernet Sauvignon, and the balance Cabernet Franc, all of which will spend 15-18 months in 77% new French oak. Hide bottles for a decade, and it should evolve for 50-75 years.
100 Punkte vom Falstaff für den Chateau Haut Brion 2020 Pessac Leognan Den Chateau Haut Brion 2020 Pessac Leognan beschreibt Fallstaff wie folgt:
Dunkles Rubingranat, violette Reflexe, tiefer Kern, zarte Randaufhellung. Dunkle Waldbeeren, ein Hauch von Edelholz, reife Kirschen, zarte florale Nuancen nach kandierten Veilchen, süßer Tabak, sehr einladendes Bukett. Komplex, saftig, rotbeerige Textur, gut integrierte, reife Tannine, feine Süße im Abgang, wirkt bereits sehr in sich ruhend, große Länge, ein toller Speisenbegleiter, sichere Zukunft. (2025–2065)
699,00 EUR
932,00 EUR pro l
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Chateau Cheval Blanc 2020 Saint Emilion
Diese Bewertungen illustrieren einhellig die außergewöhnliche Qualität und Ausdruckskraft des Château Cheval Blanc 2020. Die Kritiker sind sich einig über die Finesse, Komplexität, Eleganz und das enorme Potenzial dieses Weins, der bereits in jungen Jahren beeindruckt und eine lange Reifezeit verspricht. Mit perfekt integrierter Eiche, seidigen Tanninen und einer Vielzahl von Aromen positioniert sich Château Cheval Blanc 2020 an der Spitze der Weinwelt.
Chateau Cheval Blanc 2020 Saint Emilion mit 100 Punkte auszeichnung von Jeb DunnuckJeb Dunnuck beschreibt den Wein im März 2023

Jeb Dunnuck beschreibt den Grand Vin 2020 Château Cheval Blanc als eine Cuvée aus 65% Merlot, 30% Cabernet Franc und 5% Cabernet Sauvignon, die wie immer in 100% neuen französischen Eichenfässern gereift ist. Er lobt die Finesse, Eleganz, Komplexität und die tiefpurpurne Farbe dieses Weins. Das Bouquet offenbart süße rote und schwarze Früchte, Frühlingsblumen, würziges Weihrauch, erdigen Boden und rauchigen Tabak. Der Wein präsentiert sich am Gaumen absolut makellos, vollmundig, perfekt integrierte Eiche, reife, seidige Tannine und ein herrliches Finish. Dunnuck empfiehlt, dem Wein 7-8 Jahre Flaschenreife zu gönnen, aber betont, dass er bereits jetzt Freude bereitet, wenn er ausreichend belüftet wird.
Die Bewertung für den  vom Wine Cellar Insider lautet wie folgt.The Wine Cellar Insider (Jeff Leve) : 99 / 100 Jeff Leve lobt die monumentale Cheval Blanc 2020 mit einem Bouquet aus weißen, roten und violetten Blüten, indischen Gewürzen, roten und schwarzen Früchten sowie Trüffeln. Auf dem Gaumen überzeugt der Wein mit unzähligen Schichten von cashmereartigen Früchten, raffinierten, seidigen Tanninen, Frische und Energie. Die ungeheure Länge und Finesse des Abgangs machen diesen Wein zu einem Meisterwerk, das Jahrzehnte lang reifen kann, aber bereits in jungen Jahren genossen werden kann. Leve empfiehlt den Genuss des Weins zwischen 2027 und 2065.  
Das Decantermagazin bewertet wie folgt: 99 Punkte 
Das Decantermagazin beschreibt Château Cheval Blanc 2020 als ein Wein mit Aromen von Gewürzen, Anis, Rosmarin, schwarzen Johannisbeerblättern, roten Johannisbeeren, Minze und Pfingstrosen. Insgesamt wird die gesamte aromatische Bandbreite präsentiert, begleitet von einer fülligen Fruchtigkeit im Körper des Weins. Die kompakten und kraftvollen Tannine sind von saftigen Himbeer- und Brombeerfrüchten umhüllt. Der Wein zeugt von Lebendigkeit, unterstützt von einer lebendigen Säure und einem langen Finish, das auf eine extrem lange Lebensdauer hindeutet. 71% der Gesamtproduktion entfällt auf diesen Wein, und es wird angemerkt, dass dies das trockenste Jahr bei Cheval Blanc seit 50 Jahren war. Eine potenzielle 100-Punkte-Bewertung wird in Erwägung gezogen, nachdem der Wein in Flaschen verkostet wurde.  

Jane Anson bewertet den  wie folgt:100 Punkte Jane Anson beschreibt den Château Cheval Blanc 2020 als intensiv, unvergesslich, mit Schicht um Schicht von Heidelbeere, Himbeere, Granatapfel, Fenchel, Lakritze, Wachsmalstift, Espresso, zerdrückten Steinen - einfach so viel Charakter und Haltung. Sie hebt hervor, dass es das trockenste Jahr bei Cheval Blanc seit 1959 war, mit 71% der Produktion aus dem 39 Hektar großen Weingut in diesem Wein, geleitet von dem technischen Direktor Pierre Olivier Clouet. Dies ist das erste Jahr, in dem der Wein nicht mehr mit dem Label Premier Grand Cru Classé A versehen wird, seit die Klassifizierung begann, nachdem er aus der Liste gestrichen wurde. Das ist sicherlich eine interessante Randnotiz für Sammler, aber es macht überhaupt keinen Unterschied zur Brillanz dessen, was sich im Flascheninneren verbirgt.

680,00 EUR
906,67 EUR pro l
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Chateau La Mission Haut Brion 2020 Pessac Leognan
100 Punkte vom Wine Advocate für denWilliam Kelley zum La Mission Haut Brion 2020 im April 2023:
The 2020 La Mission Haut-Brion is a brilliant effort that exhibits a level of balance and integration that are impressive in such a powerful young Bordeaux. Unwinding in the glass with aromas of dark berries and plums mingled with burning embers, pencil shavings, violets and smoked black tea, it's full-bodied, deep and concentrated, with a layered, elegantly muscular profile, its brooding core of fruit framed by a generous endowment of powdery tannin that tempers the ripeness of the vintage. Checking in at 14.7% alcohol, it's nonetheless more classically styled than the more flamboyant 2019 vintage or even the slowly maturing 2010 which I re-tasted alongside for context.
99 Punkte von Jeb Dunnuck für den Jeb Dunnuck zum La Mission Haut Brion 2020 im April 2023:
Lastly, the Grand Vin 2020 Château La Mission Haut-Brion is cut from the same cloth as the La Chapelle, only it brings more of everything. Black raspberries, cassis, ripe cherries, sandalwood, smoked tobacco, and acacia flowers are just some of its nuances, and this beauty hits the palate with full-bodied richness, a layered, seamless, sexy mouthfeel, remarkable tannins, and a great, great finish. The level of purity, finesse, and elegance, paired with incredible concentration, is something to behold. Give bottles just 5-7 years in the cellar and enjoy over the following half a century. The blend is 48.6% Merlot, 43.2% Cabernet Sauvignon, and the rest Cabernet Franc, hitting a natural alcohol of 14.7%
435,00 EUR
580,00 EUR pro l
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Chateau Angelus 2020 Saint Emilion
97 Punkte vom Wine Advocate für den Chateau Angelus 2020 Saint Emilion Den Chateau Angelus 2020 Saint Emilion beschreibt William Kelley wie folgt:
The 2020 Angélus has turned out superbly and underlines this estate's continuing shift to a more elegant, integrated style that offers a purer expression of its terroir. A blend of 60% Merlot and 40% Cabernet Franc, it unwinds in the glass with aromas of cherries, wild berries, rose petals, mint and subtle hints of licorice, followed by a medium to full-bodied, beautifully layered and vibrant palate that's deep, precise and penetrating, concluding with a mouthwateringly chalky finish. Some 120 hectoliters of Cabernet Franc, amounting to around 20% of the blend, were matured in foudre this year, which no doubt helps to account for the significantly reduced oak impact in the 2020.
99 Sucklingpunkte für den Chateau Angelus 2020 Saint EmilionDen Chateau Angelus 2020 Saint Emilion beschreibt James Suckling wie folgt:
Blackberry and plum character with chocolate, too. Oyster shell. Full and very firm with a linear sensibility. Tight and powerful. Very pure fruit. Tension and energy there. Polished tannins. Some coffee bean and chocolate. Give this at least five or six years. 60% merlot and 40% cabernet franc. Try after 2028.
98 Punkte von Jeb Dunnuck für den Chateau Angelus 2020 Saint Emilion Den Chateau Angelus 2020 Saint Emilion beschreibt Jeb Dunnuck wie folgt:
The flagship from this great estate, the 2020 Château Angelus checks in as 60% Merlot and 40% Cabernet Franc that spent 22 months in new barrels. It’s darker and more concentrated compared to the 2019, offering beautiful, medium to full-bodied aromas and flavors of redcurrants, black raspberries, sandalwood, spring flowers, and smoked tobacco. With just about flawless balance, it's not the blockbuster style of a decade ago, but it has gorgeous purity, ultra-fine tannins, a round, seamless mouthfeel, and a great, great finish. It's very much in the classic, balanced, structured style of the vintage, and a solid 7-8 years of bottle age are recommended. It will have 30+ years of prime drinking.

399,95 EUR
533,27 EUR pro l
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Chateau Palmer 2020 Margaux
97 Punkte vom Wine Advocate für den Chateau Palmer 2020 Margaux Den Chateau Palmer 2020 Margaux beschreibt William Kelley wie folgt:
Aromas of raspberries, cassis and cherries mingle with hints of violets, raw cocoa and hints of truffle in a perfumed bouquet. The 2020 Palmer is a full-bodied, layered and seamless wine that's deep and concentrated, with a vibrant core of beautifully pure and perfumed fruit, lively acids and ultra-refined tannins. This suave but authoritative Palmer is one of the high points of the vintage.
98 Sucklingpunkte für den Chateau Palmer 2020 Margaux Den Chateau Palmer 2020 Margaux beschreibt James Suckling wie folgt:
Great aromas of blackcurrants, black truffles, blueberries, lead pencil and hints of cedar. Full-bodied and powerful with fantastic tannin backbone giving it great length and power. Muscular. Toned. Flexing. This needs time. Best after 2028.
97 Punkte von Jeb Dunnuck für den Chateau Palmer 2020 Margaux Den Chateau Palmer 2020 Margaux beschreibt Jeb Dunnuck wie folgt:
The flagship 2020 Château Palmer checks in as 48% Merlot, 48% Cabernet Sauvignon, and the rest Petit Verdot that's aged one year in 50-60% new barrels before moving to foudre. It's another ripe, sexy, yet incredibly pure wine from this team offering loads of black and blue fruits, some iris flower, spice, iron, and obvious mineral nuances, full-bodied richness, velvety tannins, and a great finish. It's easily one of the most opulent, sexiest wines from the Médoc, and while it's already just about impossible to resist, it deserves 7-8 years of bottle age and will evolve for 40+ years.
96 Punkte vom Falstaff für den Chateau Palmer 2020 Margaux Den Chateau Palmer 2020 Margaux beschreibt Fallstaff wie folgt:
Dunkles Rubingranat, violette Reflexe, tiefer Kern, zarte Randaufhellung. Feiner Edelholztouch, etwas Zeder und Grafit, schwarze Beeren, Nuancen von Wacholder, ein Hauch von Bergamotte. Saftig, feine Cassisnuancen, frische schwarze Kirschen, integrierte Tannine, frisch strukturiert, mineralisch, kühler Stil, gut anhaftend, feine Würze im Abgang, verfügt über Reifepotenzial, ein eleganter Speisenbegleiter.
Das Decantermagazin bewertet wie folgt: Den Chateau Palmer 2020 Margaux beschreibt der Jane Anson wie folgt:
97 Punkte
Vivid colours, and the aromatics grab hold straight away. This is intense and concentrated, elegant, balanced and classical, all about the texture which is velvety and seductive with softly-grained tannins. Moves oh so slowly through the palate with dozens of layers to get hold of. The overall feel is precise, slow and seductive, with appellation and estate signature at every turn. Sappy, hawthorn freshness, rosemary, redcurrant, tobacco, cigar box and dark chocolate shavings on the finish. 3.77pH, 78IPT, 55% of overall production, with 13% press wine.
389,00 EUR
518,67 EUR pro l
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Vieux Chateau Certan 2020 Pomerol
97 Punkte vom Wine Advocate für den Vieux Chateau Certan 2020 Pomerol Den Vieux Chateau Certan 2020 Pomerol beschreibt William Kelley wie folgt:
A blend of 85% Merlot and 15% Cabernet Franc, the 2020 Vieux Château Certan bursts with aromas of blackberries, sweet spices, rose petals, orange zest, burning embers and violets framed by a deft application of creamy new oak. Medium to full-bodied, deep and concentrated, it's rich and layered, with a more broad, unctuous profile than the pure and refined 2019, concluding with a long, resonant finish. This is more immediate out of the gates than the 2019, and I suspect it will not prove quite as long lived, but it is a terrific effort from the Thienpont family.
99 Sucklingpunkte für den Vieux Chateau Certan 2020 Pomerol Den Vieux Chateau Certan 2020 Pomerol beschreibt James Suckling wie folgt:
Real Pomerol here with black berry, chocolate, hazelnut and walnut aromas and flavors. Dark fruits. Crushed stone. It’s full and intense with great focus. Powerful yet so balanced and intense. Juicy center palate. Fantastic length. Great clarity. Drink after 2028.
100 Punkte von Jeb Dunnuck für den Vieux Chateau Certan 2020 Pomerol Den Vieux Chateau Certan 2020 Pomerol beschreibt Jeb Dunnuck wie folgt:
Moving to the Grand Vin, the 2020 Vieux Château Certan is another legendary wine from this vintage, ranking with the best Bordeaux ever produced. Based on 85% Merlot and 15% Cabernet Franc that spent 18 months in 65% new French oak, it has a deep, powerful, full-bodied style as well as incredible purity and precision in its darker cassis, graphite, gravelly earth, and tobacco-driven aromatics. With perfectly integrated oak, again, incredible purity, and perfect, ultra-fine tannins, it deserves 8-10 years of bottle age and will be a 40- to 50-year wine.

379,00 EUR
505,33 EUR pro l
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Chateau Figeac 2020 Saint Emilion
100 Punkte vom Wine Advocate für den Chateau Figeac 2020 Saint EmilionWilliam Kelley zum Chateau Figeac 2020 Saint Emilion im April 2023:
The 2020 Figeac is the finest wine that has been bottled to date at this estate since its renaissance began a decade ago. Wafting from the glass with aromas of blackberries and raspberries mingled with cigar wrapper, pencil shavings, licorice and black truffles, it's medium to full-bodied, deep and concentrated, with a suave, harmonious profile, vibrant acids, and beautifully refined structuring tannins. This sapid, complex wine represents the essence of this great terroir. Two years after extensive soil studies of the estate were carried out, and the first growing season to see cover crops used in the vineyards year-round, the 2020 benefited from more coherently demarcated parcels and more precise élevage, which taken together help to account for its edge over the excellent 2019.
98+ Punkte von Jeb Dunnuck für den Chateau Figeac 2020 Saint EmilionJeb Dunnuck zum Chateau Figeac 2020 Saint Emilion im März 2023:
The Grand Vin 2020 Château Figeac checks in as 37% Merlot, 32% Cabernet Franc, and 31% Cabernet Sauvignon that spent 18 months in new barrels. They also utilize plenty of press wine, and the 2020 has 8% in the blend. Straight-up awesome aromatics of crème de cassis, ripe black cherries, iron, spring flowers, and an almost bloody, salty character emerge from the glass, and it's full-bodied, with a seamless mouthfeel, gorgeous tannins, plenty of mid-palate depth, and absolutely perfectly integrated oak. It's still tight and reserved, which is certainly the vintage, so do your best to hide these in the cellar. It should hit the early stages of its prime drinking window in 8-10 years and will have 30+ of overall longevity. It will unquestionably flirt with perfection at maturity.
100 Sucklingpunkte für denJames Suckling zum Chateau Figeac 2020 Saint Emilion im Mai 2023:
A mesmerizing nose here with flowers such as violets and red roses, then shows cherries and currants with some mineral and black truffles. Full-bodied yet so refined and harmonized with ultra-fine tannins that run the length of the wine. Flavors of perfectly ripened fruit (al dente) with a hazelnut character that comes from the seeds. Incredibly transparent young red. Breathtaking. 37% merlot, 32% cabernet franc and 31% cabernet sauvignon. Drink after 2028 and onwards. Magnificent.
97 Sucklingpunkte für den Chateau Figeac 2020 Saint EmilionJames Suckling Chateau Figeac 2020 Saint Emilion im Januar 2023:
Very subtle and classy aromas of blackberries, hazelnuts and chocolate with some wet bark. It’s so subtle on the nose. Full-bodied, yet so fine and polished with an inner strength to this. Ultrafine and polished tannins that run the length of the wine. This goes on for minutes. Classy. Sophisticated. 37% merlot, 32% cabernet franc and 31% cabernet sauvignon. Try after 2027, but it’s one for the cellar.
96 Punkte vom Wine Spectator für den Chateau Figeac 2020 Saint EmilionJames Molsworth zum Chateau Figeac 2020 Saint Emilion im Januar 2023:
A broad-shouldered wine that captures the vintage's heat well in a core of cassis and blackberry fruit flavors, which are dotted with lively savory, tobacco leaf and warm earth accents. Reveals a tarry, grippy edge as well as polish as this pulls deeply from its terroir, leaving an echo of warm paving stone at the very end. Merlot, Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon. Best from 2030 through 2040. 12,480 cases made. –JM
97 Punkte vom Vinous-Team für den Chateau Figeac 2020 Saint Emilion

Neal Martin im Dezember 2022
349,00 EUR
465,33 EUR pro l
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Chateau L Eglise Clinet 2020 Pomerol
97 Punkte vom Wine Advocate für den Chateau L Eglise Clinet 2020 Pomerol Den Chateau L Eglise Clinet 2020 Pomerol beschreibt William Kelley wie folgt:
A blend of 90% Merlot and 10% Cabernet Franc, the 2020 L'Eglise Clinet wafts from the glass with aromas of dark berries, mulberries, cherries and cassis mingled with notions of espresso roast, loamy soil, violets and truffle framed by creamy new oak. Full-bodied, layered and concentrated, it's a rich, youthfully firm, muscularly constructed young Pomerol that will richly reward bottle age.
96 Sucklingpunkte für den Chateau L Eglise Clinet 2020 Pomerol Den Chateau L Eglise Clinet 2020 Pomerol beschreibt James Suckling wie folgt:
This has a pretty nose of chocolate, praline, blueberries, lavender and bramble berries. It’s medium-bodied with firm, compact tannins. Firm and focused with an enticing bitter chocolate character throughout. Some smoked wood. Intense and tightly wound. Opens on the palate. Try in 2027.
97 Punkte von Jeb Dunnuck für den Chateau L Eglise Clinet 2020 Pomerol Den Chateau L Eglise Clinet 2020 Pomerol beschreibt Jeb Dunnuck wie folgt:
There's a clear jump from the second wine to the 2020 Château L'Eglise Clinet, a riveting Pomerol that checks in as 90% Merlot and 10% Cabernet Franc that spent 18 months in 80% new French oak. Offering a restrained, yet concentrated, structured style, it reveals classic notes of red and black currants, leafy tobacco, loamy earth, and chocolate. This carries to a full-bodied, powerful, tannic 2020 that needs a solid 7-8 years of bottle age. It's going to be long-lived but is not for those seeking instant gratification.

349,00 EUR
465,33 EUR pro l
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Chateau La Conseillante 2020 Pomerol
100 Punkte vom Wine Advocate für den Chateau La Conseillante 2020 PomerolDen Chateau La Conseillante 2020 Pomerol beschreibt William Kelley wie folgt:
One of the wines of the vintage is the 2020 La Conseillante, a blend of 86% Merlot and 14% Cabernet Franc that wafts from the glass with inviting aromas of raspberries, red cherries and mulberries mingled with exotic spices, violets and rose petals. Medium to full-bodied, satiny and vibrant, it's a beautifully elegant, sensual wine with a deep core of fruit framed by powdery tannins, concluding with a long, extravagantly floral finish. This is a Pomerol of striking purity and sophistication. Congratulations to Marielle Cazaux and her team for surpassing even what they achieved in 2016 and 2019 with this brilliant 2020!
99 Sucklingpunkte für den Chateau La Conseillante 2020 Pomerol
Den Chateau La Conseillante 2020 Pomerol beschreibt James Suckling wie folgt:
So much black truffles here with dried earth, too. Black berries. Crushed stone. Plus violets. Full-bodied. Very plush with velvety tannins. Gentle yet very structured. Succulent. Clear and bright. Superb depth and length. Goes on and on. Thoughtful. Soulful. Try after 2028.
99 Punkte von Jeb Dunnuck für den Chateau La Conseillante 2020 Pomerol Den Chateau La Conseillante 2020 Pomerol beschreibt Jeb Dunnuck wie folgt:
Another utterly brilliant wine from this team, the 2020 Château La Conseillante is based on 87% Merlot and 13% Cabernet Franc that saw 70% new French oak. Unquestionably in the same league as the 2019, this beauty offers an incredible bouquet of pure blue fruits, cassis, violets, spring flowers, and truffle. This carries to a full-bodied, seamless, incredibly elegant, layered Pomerol offering perfect tannins, the vibrant, focused, structured style of the vintage, impeccable balance, and a gorgeous finish. As always, this wine is more about purity, finesse, and elegance than power. It offers pleasure even today yet should be given a decade in the cellar, and it will be a 40- to 50-year wine.
274,50 EUR
366,00 EUR pro l
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Chateau Canon 2020 Saint Emilion
100 Punkte vom Wine Advocate für den Chateau Canon 2020William Kelley am 06.04.2023:
The brilliant 2020 Canon looks set to surpass both the 2019 and 2016 as this estate's finest wine since the post-war period, though like many of the best 2020s, it will require more patience than its 2019 counterpart. Unwinding in the glass with aromas of cherries and raspberries mingled with notions of exotic spices and iris, it's medium to full-bodied, deep and concentrated, with vibrant acids and beautifully polished, chalky tannins. Pure and precise, it concludes with a long, mouthwatering finish. This beautifully constructed wine communicates the essence of this superb limestone terroir, and it will be worth a special effort to track down and cellar.
98 Sucklingpunkte für den Chateau Canon 2020 Saint Emilion
James Suckling beschreibt ihn im Januar 2023 wie folgt:
Black cherries, fresh herbs, lemon rind, and violets on the nose. Crushed stone, too. Medium to full body with super fine tannins that run the length of the wine. It goes on for minutes. A great wine. Try after 2027, but already thoroughly gorgeous. A classical Canon.
97+ Punkte von Jeb Dunnuck für den Chateau Canon 2020Jeb Dunnuck im März 2023:
Another brilliant Saint-Emilion, the 2020 Château Canon actually reminds me of the 2019 with its pure, elegant, yet concentrated profile. Based on 68% Merlot and 32% Cabernet Franc, it reveals a deep ruby hue as well as classic upper plateau notes of perfumed red and black fruits (black raspberries, darker cherries), wildflowers, graphite, and chalky minerality. Medium to full-bodied on the palate, it has a seamless, elegant mouthfeel, perfectly integrated tannins and acidity, and flawless overall balance. As with the 2019, it's not the blockbuster style of the 2015, but it’s lively, elegant, and pure class. It needs 7-8 years of bottle age to hit maturity and will have 2-3 decades of overall longevity.
94 Punkte vom Wine Spectator für den Chateau Canon 2020 Saint EmilionJames Molsworth beschreibt ihn im Januar 2023 wie folgt:
Suavely rendered, this glides along with a cashmere feel, letting gently steeped black currant and black cherry fruit unfurl slowly, while hints of alder, sweet tobacco and warm earth appear in the background. A subtle smoldering edge enhances the finish. Merlot and Cabernet Franc. Best from 2024 through 2037. –JM
100 Punkte vom Vinous-Team für den
Antonio Galloni schliesst seine Verkostung mit der Bewertung, dass es nichts Vergleichbares mit einem grossen Canon gäbe.

249,00 EUR
332,00 EUR pro l
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Chateau La Fleur Petrus 2020 Pomerol
100 Sucklingpunkte für den Chateau La Fleur Petrus 2020 PomerolJames Suckling schreibt zum Chateau La Fleur Petrus 2020 Pomerol Folgendes:

One of the most powerful and significant La Fleur-Petrus I have ever tasted with incredible depth and power. It’s full and so layered with fine and intense tannins. It shows very dark fruits, dark chocolate with hazelnuts, and milk chocolate with almonds. This will age for eternity.
245,00 EUR
326,67 EUR pro l
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Chateau Cos d Estournel 2020 Saint Estephe
95 Punkte vom Falstaff für den Chateau Cos d Estournel 2020 Saint EstepheFalstaff zum Chateau Cos d Estournel 2020 Saint Estephe
Tiefdunkles Rubingranat, violette Reflexe, opaker Kern, zarte Randaufhellung. Anklänge von Heidelbeeren und Schokolade, einladendes Bukett, zarte Edelholznuancen im Hintergrund, ein Hauch von Orangenzesten. Kraftvoll, saftig, reife Kirschen, lebendige Säurestruktur, feine Tannine, zarte Mineralität, blättrig im Abgang. Noch etwas verschlossen und streng wirkend, wird von Reife profitieren.
99 Punkte von Jeb Dunnuck für den Chateau Cos d Estournel 2020 Saint EstepheJeb Dunnuck zum Chateau Cos d Estournel 2020 Saint Estephe
Based on 62% Cabernet Sauvignon and 38% Merlot, the deep purple-hued 2020 Château Cos D'Estournel has, dare I say, an almost Lafite-like sense of elegance and class, offering gorgeous cassis and darker currants fruits as well as tobacco, lead pencil, acacia flowers, and graphite. Hitting 13.46 alcohol, with a pH of 3.9 and an IPT of 80, this flawless, full-bodied, incredibly elegant Saint-Estèphe has silky tannins, perfect balance, and a great, great finish. It will need a decade of cellaring to hit its prime drink window. Of the trilogy of 2018, 2019, and 2020, it's clearly my favorite (that’s splitting hairs), with a similarity to the 2016, and will most likely merit another point at maturity.
98 Sucklingpunkte für den Chateau Cos d Estournel 2020 Saint EstepheJames Suckling schreibt zum Chateau Cos d Estournel 2020 Saint Estephe Folgendes:
A brooding and deep wine just on the nose, with blackcurrants, redcurrants, spices such as cardamom and nutmeg, as well as black truffles with earth. Complex. Full-bodied with fine yet chewy tannins, that are wonderfully interwoven. Very structured and long. Needs five to six years to come around. 62% cabernet and 38% merlot. Try after 2028.  
94 Punkte vom Wine Advocate für den Chateau Cos d Estournel 2020 Saint EstepheWilliam Kelley zum Chateau Cos d Estournel 2020 Saint Estephe
The 2020 Cos d'Estournel is a bold, demonstrative wine, bursting with aromas of cassis, dark berries and plum liqueur mingled with exotic spices, burning embers and petals, framed by a generous application of creamy new oak. Full-bodied, broad and low acid/high pH in style, it's rich and extracted, with a layered, mid-palate and a long, clove-inflected finish. While it isn't anywhere near as extreme as the 2009, the 2020 does appear to mark a move back toward a more turbo-charged style after Cos d'Estournel's shift toward elegance, exemplified by the brilliant 2016—but perhaps that's merely an illusion created by the vintage?

244,00 EUR
325,33 EUR pro l
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Chateau Ducru Beaucaillou 2020 Saint Julien
95 Punkte vom Wine Advocate für den Chateau Ducru Beaucaillou 2020 Saint Julien Den Chateau Ducru Beaucaillou 2020 Saint Julien beschreibt William Kelley wie folgt:
The 2020 Ducru-Beaucaillou unwinds in the glass with aromas of dark berries, pencil shavings, violets and pipe tobacco, all framed by creamy new oak. On the palate, it's medium to full-bodied, fleshy and concentrated, with a deep but tightly wound core that's still quite wrapped up in extract and oak tannin, even if it isn't quite as big-boned as its 2019 counterpart. It will require some patience.
97 Sucklingpunkte für den Chateau Ducru Beaucaillou 2020 Saint Julien Den Chateau Ducru Beaucaillou 2020 Saint Julienbeschreibt James Suckling wie folgt:
Blackcurrants and blueberries with violets and crushed stone. Extremely aromatic. Full-bodied but very tight and reserved, with racy, almost steely tannins. Some subtle sweet fruit in the center palate. Great transparency and clarity. Super precision here. Vertical and polished. Try after 2028.
100 Punkte von Jeb Dunnuck für den Chateau Ducru Beaucaillou 2020 Saint Julien Den Chateau Ducru Beaucaillou 2020 Saint Julienbeschreibt Jeb Dunnuck wie folgt:
Lastly, the 2020 Château Ducru-Beaucaillou is another legendary wine from this château that has been on an incredible run over the past decade. A blend of 81% Cabernet Sauvignon and 19% Merlot that was brought up all in new French oak, it has a saturated purple hue to go with an incredible, mineral-laced bouquet of crème de cassis, liquid violets, graphite, and tobacco leaf. More structured and concentrated than any of the Léovilles, this blockbuster, deep, concentrated, full-bodied Saint-Julien has off-the-charts purity, ultra-fine tannins, and a great, great finish. I wrote in my notes, "Like the 2010, only better." You won't find a more concentrated yet flawlessly balanced and elegant wine out there. It's going to need a decade of cellaring and will have 40, 50, if not 60 years of longevity.

240,00 EUR
320,00 EUR pro l
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Chateau Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande 2020 Pauillac
95 Punkte vom Wine Advocate für den Chateau Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande 2020 Pauillac Den Chateau Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande 2020 Pauillac beschreibt William Kelley wie folgt:
The 2020 Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande is very demonstrative out of the gates, bursting from the glass without any coaxing to exhibit aromas of sweet cassis and blueberries mingled with notions of clove, violets and lilac. Medium to full-bodied, velvety and polished, with a seamless, charming profile that exhibits no hard edges, it concludes with a nicely defined, spice-inflected finish. It's a superb exercise in haut couture winemaking, even if, to my palate, the 2019 offers a deeper dive into the estate's D.N.A.
98 Sucklingpunkte für den Chateau Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande 2020 PauillacJames Suckling beschreibt den Chateau Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande 2020 Pauillac im Januar 2023 wie folgt:
Aromas of blueberries and blackcurrants with some stone and sandalwood undertones. Medium-bodied with a solid core of fruit and a fresh and delicious finish. Classy tannins that are fine and textured. Such sophistication. Drink after 2027 and onwards.
98 Punkte von Jeb Dunnuck für den Chateau Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande 2020 Pauillac Den Chateau Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande 2020 Pauillac beschreibt Jeb Dunnuck wie folgt:
The Grand Vin 2020 Château Pichon-Longueville Comtesse De Lalande checks in as 77% Cabernet Sauvignon, 17% Merlot, and 6% Cabernet Franc that was raised in 60% new French oak. It has classic Pauillac character in its red, blue, and black fruits as well as graphite, cedar pencil, violet, and flower nuances. Seemingly from a cooler vintage with its purity, vibrancy, and focus, it nevertheless is concentrated and has ripe, gorgeous tannins, a great mid-palate, and a finish that keeps you coming back to the glass. A deep, concentrated, flawlessly balanced 2020 that's built for the long haul, it needs a solid decade of cellaring and will be a 50+-year wine. Of the recent trilogy of 2018, 2019, and 2020, director Nicolas Glumineau has been consist in preferring the 2020, although I think at this point the nudge goes to the 2019. Regardless, these are all truly singular, magical wines that every reader will be thrilled to have in the cellar. It's a good time to be a Bordeaux lover!
97 Punkte vom Falstaff für den Chateau Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande 2020 Pauillac Den Chateau Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande 2020 Pauillac beschreibt Fallstaff wie folgt:
Dunkles Rubingranat, violette Reflexe, zarte Randaufhellung. Feine Nuancen von Cassis, Brombeeren und Lakritze, zarte Edelholzwürze ist unterlegt, Noten von kandierten Orangenzesten. Saftig, elegant, reife Kirschen, harmonisch und frisch, feine, reife Tannine, schokoladiger Touch im Abgang, zeigt Länge und Reifepotenzial, große Zukunft.
222,50 EUR
296,67 EUR pro l
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Chateau La Mondotte 2020 Saint Emilion
95 Punkte vom Wine Spectator für den Chateau La Mondotte 2020 Saint EmilionJames Molsworth beschreibt ihn im Januar 2023 wie folgt:
Shows the warmth of the vintage with a dark plum, boysenberry and black currant core but manages it well, with sleek, wellembedded chalky minerality providing a serious spine, while sweet tobacco, alder and loam accents peek in on the fruit throughout. Merlot and Cabernet Franc. Best from 2030 through 2040. 1,500 cases made, 140 cases imported. –JM
96+ Punkte vom Wine Advocate für den Chateau La Mondotte 2020 Saint Emilion Den Chateau La Mondotte 2020 Saint Emilion beschreibt William Kelley wie folgt:
I typically have a weakness for Canon-la-Gaffelière, with its high percentage of Cabernet Franc, in the Von Neipperg portfolio. But this year, it's the 2020 La Mondotte that takes center stage, offering up aromas of dark berries, plums, licorice, incense and vine smoke, followed by a medium to full-bodied, layered and vibrant palate of striking harmony and concentration. It's the most seamless, complete wine I've ever tasted from this brilliant clay-limestone terroir.
99 Sucklingpunkte für den Chateau La Mondotte 2020 Saint Emilion Den Chateau La Mondotte 2020 Saint Emilion beschreibt James Suckling wie folgt:
Blackberries, blueberries and flowers such as lavender and dark roses on the nose. Dried flowers as well. Feels medium-bodied with seamless tannins that spread across the palate. Savory and agile with a weightless feel. Hints of white pepper and salt. Makes you want to taste it. Better after 2026.
99 Punkte von Jeb Dunnuck für den Chateau La Mondotte 2020 Saint Emilion Den Chateau La Mondotte 2020 Saint Emilion beschreibt Jeb Dunnuck wie folgt:
99 Just about pure perfection, the 2020 La Mondotte comes from a tiny parcel of limestone soils on the upper plateau, not far from Troplong Mondot. Mostly Merlot with a small amount of Cabernet Franc, its deep purple hue is followed by a brilliant bouquet of crème de cassis, crushed stone, graphite, mulled black cherries, and hints of truffle. Full-bodied, incredibly elegant yet also concentrated and flawlessly balanced, it's as good as anything in the vintage. Give bottles 4-6 years in the cellar, count yourself lucky, and enjoy over the following 2-3 decades.

199,95 EUR
266,60 EUR pro l
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Chateau Les Carmes Haut Brion 2020 Pessac Leognan
97 Punkte vom Wine Advocate für denWilliam Kelley am 06.04.2023 :
The 2020 Les Carmes Haut-Brion has turned out beautifully, wafting from the glass with aromas of blackberries, red fruits, exotic spices, rose petals, raw cocoa and licorice. Medium to full-bodied, seamless and layered, it's intensely flavored but weightless, with a compelling sense of harmony and a long, orange-inflected finish. A blend of 52% Cabernet Franc, 26% Cabernet Sauvignon and 22% Merlot, it was vinified with some 65% whole bunch and attained 13.5% alcohol. This is the first vintage where Pouthier's methods (whole bunch with weighted cap and long élevage incorporating larger vessels) were applied writ large, and the results are striking.
98 Sucklingpunkte für den Chateau Les Carmes Haut Brion 2020 Pessac LeognanDen Chateau Les Carmes Haut Brion 2020 Pessac Leognan beschreibt James Suckling wie folgt:
Gorgeous aromas of crushed berries with orange peel. Fresh spices. Flowers. Salty. Full and so bright and vivid, with an elegance and beauty at the beginning and then it goes on and on. You see the intense fine tannins at the end. Dusty and bright. Unique wine. 55% whole cluster. 80% new wood, 10% amphora, and 10% foudra.
100 Punkte vom Vinous-Team für denAntonio Galloni adelte diesen Wein nicht nur mit 100 Punkten und einer unglaublichen Verkostungsnotiz, nein er platzierte den Wein auf Platz 1 seiner Top 100 Liste aller Weine die er 2022 verkostet hatte.
Der 2020iger ist für ihn der Jahrgang in dem alle Elemente zum ersten Mal in absoluter Balance verschmelzen. Ein Wein der einem den Atem raubt. Ein Meisterwerk.

199,00 EUR
265,33 EUR pro l
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Alter Ego de Palmer 2020 Margaux
Magnum in 1er Original Holzkiste
93 Punkte vom Wine Advocate für den Alter Ego de Chateau Palmer 2020 MargauxDen Alter Ego de Chateau Palmer 2020 Margaux beschreibt William Kelley wie folgt:
The 2020 Alter Ego de Palmer has turned out beautifully, bursting with aromas of violets and rose petals mingled with notions of sweet dark berries and baking chocolate. Medium to full-bodied, fleshy and seamless, it's vibrant and perfumed, with a bright core of fruit, powdery tannins and a long, expansive finish. It's a blend of 50% Cabernet Sauvignon, 46% Merlot and 4% Petit Verdot.
96 Sucklingpunkte für den Alter Ego de Chateau Palmer 2020 MargauxDen Alter Ego de Chateau Palmer 2020 Margaux beschreibt James Suckling wie folgt:
Gorgeous perfumes of plums, berries, light chocolate and walnut follow through to a medium body, fine tannins and crunchy finish. Bright and fresh. Precise tannins. Drinkable but better after 2027.

94 Punkte von Jeb Dunnuck für den Alter Ego de Chateau Palmer 2020 Margaux Den Alter Ego de Chateau Palmer 2020 Margaux beschreibt Jeb Dunnuck wie folgt:
Palmer's second wine, the 2020 Alter Ego, is a beauty. Based on 56% Merlot, 40% Cabernet Sauvignon, and the rest Petit Verdot, this ripe, sexy Margaux offers up a dense purple hue, impressive notes of ripe black cherry and currant fruits, full-bodied richness, and a layered, sweetly fruited, textured, already impossible to resist style. Given its density, structure, and length, you would certainly be excused for mistaking this for the Grand Vin. Give bottles 2-4 years and enjoy over the following two decades.
93 Punkte vom Falstaff für den Alter Ego de Chateau Palmer 2020 Margaux Den Alter Ego de Chateau Palmer 2020 Margaux beschreibt Fallstaff wie folgt:

Dunkles, leuchtendes Rubingranat, violette Reflexe, dezente Randaufhellung. Reife rote Herzkirschen, Waldbeeren, frische Orangenzesten, zarte florale Nuancen. Saftig, frisch, elegant und trinkanimierend, rotbeerige Textur, feine Tannine, mineralisch-salzig im Abgang, angenehme Kirschfrucht im Abgang, ein lebendiger Speisenbegleiter. 
195,00 EUR
130,00 EUR pro l
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Chateau Pichon Longueville Baron 2020 Pauillac
97 Punkte vom Wine Advocate für den Chateau Pichon Longueville Baron 2020 Pauillac Den Chateau Pichon Longueville Baron 2020 Pauillac beschreibt William Kelley wie folgt:
The brilliant 2020 Pichon-Longueville Baron offers up inviting aromas of sweet berries and cassis mingled with pipe tobacco, loamy soil, pencil shavings and licorice. Medium to full-bodied, deep and layered, its velvety attack segues into a concentrated mid-palate that's framed by rich, powdery tannins, concluding with a long, vibrant finish. A blend of 76% Cabernet Sauvignon and 24% Merlot, it's a true classic that's a touch less demonstrative out of the gates than the sensual 2019, but which in the fullness of time will prove every bit as good.
99 Sucklingpunkte für den Chateau Pichon Longueville Baron 2020 Pauillac Den Chateau Pichon Longueville Baron 2020 Pauillac beschreibt James Suckling wie folgt:
Fabulous aromas of blackcurrant, blueberry, crushed stone, graphite and lead pencil. Some violets and other flowers, too. Full-bodied with incredibly encompassing tannins that are like the finest velvet in texture. The structure is superb, with so much tension and focus. Seamless. This could be the new 1990 or better. Try after 2028.
98+ Punkte von Jeb Dunnuck für den Chateau Pichon Longueville Baron 2020 Pauillac Den Chateau Pichon Longueville Baron 2020 Pauillac beschreibt Jeb Dunnuck wie folgt:
The flagship 2020 Château Pichon-Longueville Baron is pure gold, a full-bodied, rich, powerful 2020 displaying the vintage's purity, focus, and structure front and center. A blend of 76% Cabernet Sauvignon and 24% Merlot, its dense purple hue is followed by a mammoth-sized bouquet of cassis, blackberries, smoked earth, graphite, and cedar pencil. With ripe tannins, a seamless, layered mouthfeel, and one heck of a finish, it comes closest in my mind to the estate 2010, and I think is clearly in the same realm as the 1989, 1990, 2000, 2009, 2010, 2015, and 2019. It offers pleasure today, but it certainly warrants 7-8 years, a decade if possible, of bottle age and will have 40-50 years of overall longevity.

172,50 EUR
230,00 EUR pro l
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Chateau Smith Haut Lafitte 2020 rouge Pessac Leognan
100 Punkte Auszeichnung von Jeb Dunnuck für den Chateau Smith Haut Lafitte 2020 rouge Pessac LeognanJeb Dunnuck zum Chateau Smith Haut Lafitte 2020 rouge Pessac Leognan im März 2023:
Absolutely pure gold and reminding me of the 2009 (or is it the 2010?), the 2020 Château Smith Haut Lafitte sports a dense purple hue to go with incredible aromatics of blackberries, blueberries, scorched earth, wood smoke, and acacia flowers. One of the most concentrated, rich, and sexy wines in the vintage, this massive and extraordinarily opulent 2020 shows the vintage's pure, elegant profile yet backs it up with sensational levels of fruit and texture. Based on 65% Cabernet Sauvignon, 30% Merlot, and the balance Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot, it already offers pleasure given its wealth of fruit, but it deserves 7-8 years of bottle age and will evolve for 40-50 years. Not enough can be said about the quality of these wines. Bravo to Florence and Daniel Cathiard, as well as to director Fabien Teitgen, for another incredible achievement.
95+ Punkte vom Wine Advocate für den Chateau Smith Haut Lafitte 2020 rouge Pessac LeognanWilliam Kelley zum Chateau Smith Haut Lafitte 2020 rouge Pessac Leognan im April 2023:
The 2020 Smith Haut Lafitte is more structured and introverted than its 2019 predecessor, unwinding in the glass with aromas of cassis and plums mingled with notions of pencil shavings, violets and minty new oak. Medium to full-bodied, deep and concentrated, its velvety attack segues into a multidimensional mid-palate that's framed by rich, generously extracted tannins that assert themselves on the long, youthfully firm finish. This is a strong effort that's true to the house style and which will reward a little patience.
99 Sucklingpunkte für den Chateau Smith Haut Lafitte 2020 rouge Pessac LeognanJames Suckling zum Chateau Smith Haut Lafitte 2020 rouge Pessac Leognan im Januar 2023:
Extremely fresh and deep in the nose with raspberry and blackcurrant character, as well as stone, fresh green tobacco and ink. Full-bodied with a dense center palate and gorgeous fine yet steely tannins. It calms down at the end with berries, citrus and some lavender. Salty at the end. Very minerally. Flinty. From organically grown grapes. 65% cabernet sauvignon, 30% merlot, 4% cabernet franc and 1% petit verdot. Give it four or five years to come around.
97 Punkte vom Vinous-Team für den
Antonio Galloni hat den Smith Haut Lafitte rouge 2020 am oberen Ende seiner Fassmusterverkostung eingestuft und lobt die Frische und Energie in dem Wein.

95 Punkte vom Wine Spectator für den Chateau Smith Haut Lafitte 2020 rouge Pessac LeognanJames Molsworth zum Chateau Smith Haut Lafitte 2020 rouge Pessac Leognan im Januar 2023:
Exotic and lush in feel, with well-steeped plum, boysenberry and blackberry fruit flavors rolling through, scored with hints of espresso crema, dark tobacco and black licorice along the way. Very polished in feel, but with a late flicker of savory and a subtle tug of earth to keep this honest in the end. Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot. Best from 2026 through 2037. 10,000 cases made, 2,400 cases imported. –JM
159,95 EUR
213,27 EUR pro l
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Chateau Belair Monange 2020 Saint Emilion
99 Sucklingpunkte für den Chateau Belair Monange 2020 Saint EmilionJames Suckling im März 2023:

Intense aromas of wet earth, limestone cellars and dark fruits such as currants and blackberries. Then turns to flowers. Black truffles, too. Licorice. Gravel. Full-bodied with a solid palate of tannins that melt into the wine. It’s sleek and muscular with fantastic length and presence. Reminds me of great old Belairs from the 1950s. Cool wine. 98% merlot and 2% cabernet franc. Give it six to eight years of time. Best after 2028.
98 Punkte von Jeb Dunnuck für denJeb Dunnuck Ende März 2023:

The Grand Vin 2020 Château Belair-Monange is also 98% Merlot and 2% Cabernet Franc that's a blend of the upper limestone plateau and the more clay heavy soils on the hillside. Very much in the tight, structured style of the vintage, its dense purple hue is followed by a great nose of ripe black cherries, black raspberries, dried flowers, loamy earth, and camphor, with a beautiful sense of minerality. Opening up with time in the glass, it's full-bodied, has a deep, layered mouthfeel, gorgeous overall balance, and a great finish. It offers pleasure today but will benefit from 7-8 years of bottle age and will be a 30+ year wine.
98 Punkte vom Vinous-Team für den
Antonio Galloni im Dezember 2022:

er schliesst seine Verkostungsnotiz mit den Worten "ein wahrer Stunner in 2020"

95 Puntke vom Wine Advocate für denWilliam Kelley am 06.04.2023:

The 2020 Belair Monange has also turned out nicely in bottle, wafting from the glass with aromas of rich cherries, plums, sweet spices, rose petals and creamy new oak. Full-bodied, rich and layered, it remains fresh despite its ripe, sun-kissed profile, and its generous payload of tannin helps to integrate its rather lofty level of alcohol. This is a success in its demonstrative, modern style.

94 Punkte vom Wine Spectator für den Chateau Belair Monange 2020 Saint EmilionJames Molsworth beschreibt ihn im Januar 2023 wie folgt:

A classically styled, slightly austere Bordeaux, with a chalky spine that helps drive red and black currant and plum puree notes along, all while light alder, dried rose petal and light tobacco notes fill in the background. Refined and focused through the finish. Merlot and Cabernet Franc. Best from 2030 through 2040. 5,250 cases made, 600 cases imported. –JM
155,00 EUR
206,67 EUR pro l
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Chateau Hosanna 2020 Pomerol
94 Punkte vom Wine Advocate für den Chateau Hosanna 2020 PomerolDen Chateau Hosanna 2020 Pomerol beschreibt William Kelley wie folgt:
The 2020 Hosanna is rich and sun-kissed in style, offering up aromas of berry liqueur, figs, licorice, aniseed and vine smoke, followed by a full-bodied, ripe and gourmand palate with a generous core of confit fruit, polished tannins and a suave, enveloping profile. This ripe, unctuous red wouldn't be out of place in a tasting of contemporary Napa Valley Cabernets.
99 Sucklingpunkte für den Chateau Hosanna 2020 PomerolDen Chateau Hosanna 2020 Pomerol beschreibt James Suckling wie folgt:
So aromatic and fresh with black olives, black truffles, gravel and dried flowers. Milk chocolate. Ovaltine. Full-bodied with fantastic old-vine tannins. Layered and very structured. Goes deep and down. One for the cellar. Superb. Maybe the best ever. 80% merlot and the rest cabernet franc. Needs ten years here.
98 Punkte von Jeb Dunnuck für den Chateau Hosanna 2020 Pomerol Den Chateau Hosanna 2020 Pomerol beschreibt Jeb Dunnuck wie folgt:
A big, explosive beast of a wine, the 2020 Château Hosanna comes from a small 11-acre vineyard of gravelly, clay soils and it's 70% Merlot and 30% Cabernet Franc. Decadent red and black fruits, smoked tobacco, loamy earth, chocolate, and some meaty, iron-like nuances all emerge on the nose, and this round, full-bodied, expansive Pomerol has a great mid-palate, ripe tannins, and a blockbuster of a finish. It's one of the more opulent, overtly sexy wines of the vintage, and this beauty is going to offer incredible pleasure over the coming 25-30 years.
95 Punkte vom Wine Spectator für den Chateau Hosanna 2020 Pomerol
James Molsworth beschreibt ihn im Januar 2023 wie folgt:
Well-formed, with a solid core of cassis, plum reduction and blackberry compote notes that stretch out slowly, supported by wood spice, dried anise and apple wood accents along the way. A late tug of warm earth and sweet tobacco adds depth and length. Captures the exotic edge of the vintage without losing focus -- no easy feat. Merlot and Cabernet Franc. Best from 2026 through 2038. 1,200 cases made, 85 cases imported. –JM

149,00 EUR
198,67 EUR pro l
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Chateau Haut Bailly 2020 Pessac Leognan
97 Punkte vom Falstaff für den Chateau Haut Bailly 2020 Pessac Leognan Den Chateau Haut Bailly 2020 Pessac Leognan beschreibt Fallstaff wie folgt:
Tiefdunkles Rubingranat, opaker Kern, violette Reflexe, zarte Randaufhellung. Feine schwarze Beerenfrucht, angenehme Edelholzwürze, Nuancen von Brombeeren, Pflaumen, ein Hauch von Vanille, facettenreiches Bukett. Komplex, saftig, reife Herzkirschen, seidig wirkende, perfekt eingebundene Tannine, zeigt eine nahtlose Textur, sehr gute Länge und Harmonie, saliner Nachhall, großes Zukunftspotenzial.
97 Punkte vom Vinous-Team für den Chateau Haut Bailly 2020 Pessac LeognanAntonio Galloni lobt im Dezember 2022
die Balance des Weines und seine facettenreichen Aromen, von getrocknete Blüten über Gewürze bis hin zu Blutorange. Ein Wein wie er finder in dem die Finesse über Kraft siegt.

94+ Punkte vom Wine Advocate für den Chateau Haut Bailly 2020 Pessac LeognanWilliam Kelley am 06.04.2023
The 2020 Haut-Bailly opens in the glass with attractive aromas of cassis, sweet berries, loamy soil, violets and pencil shavings. Medium to full-bodied, deep and layered, it's a concentrated, rather broad-shouldered wine built around a chassis of firm, powdery tannin that asserts itself on the finish. Haut-Bailly once rivaled Haut-Brion for the title of Pessac's most elegant wine, and I would love to see the team here ease off extraction, but this remains a strong effort that will reward patience.

96 Punkte bei Jeb Dunnuck für den Chateau Haut Bailly 2020 Pessac LeognanJeb Dunnuck im März 2023
The 2020 Château Haut-Bailly is a quintessential expression of this terroir and shines for its incredible purity, balance, and elegance. Revealing a ruby/purple hue as well as a terrific bouquet of ripe red and black fruits, Asian spices, smoked tobacco, and leafy herbs, it hits the palate with medium to full-bodied richness, ultra-fine tannins, and a layered, seamless mouthfeel. Reminding me slightly of the 2016 with its pure, balanced, classical style, give bottles just 4-5 years and enjoy over the following two to three decades. President and CEO Véronique Sanders continues to do incredible job at this Château, and you won’t find a more classy, elegant wine out there.
138,00 EUR
184,00 EUR pro l
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Chateau Calon Segur 2020 Saint Estephe
97 Punkte vom Wine Advocate für den Chateau Calon Segur 2020 Saint EstepheWilliam Kelley am 06.04.2023 zum Chateau Calon Segur 2020 Saint Estephe:
The 2020 Calon-Ségur is a brilliant wine from an estate in the ascendant. Wafting from the glass with aromas of cassis, red berries, fresh mint, pencil shavings, violets and rose petals, it's medium to full-bodied, deep and layered, with a vibrant core of fruit, powdery structuring tannins and a long, perfumed finish. Integrated and harmonious, this pure, concentrated and dynamic wine is one of the finest vintages that Vincent Millet and his team have produced to date.

99 Punkte von Jeb Dunnuck für den Chateau Calon Segur 2020 Saint EstepheJeb Dunnuck im März 2023 zum Chateau Calon Segur 2020 Saint Estephe:
The 2020 Château Calon Ségur is pure gold and another masterpiece from this estate. Harvested all in September and pulled from their 48 hectares of vines, the blend is 78% Cabernet Sauvignon, 12% Merlot, 9% Cabernet Franc, and the rest Petit Verdot that spent 20 months all in new French oak, and it hit 13.2% natural alcohol. My notes started and ended with "wow," and this riveting Saint-Estèphe offers a heavenly bouquet of red and black currants, truffly earth, iron, espresso, and tobacco leaf. With incredible purity of fruit, full-bodied richness, and ultra-fine tannins, it's a deep, pure, layered 2020 that deserves at least 7-8 years of bottle age and will cruise for 40-50 years in cold cellars. Hats off to the team at Calon Ségur

96 Sucklingpunkte für den Chateau Calon Segur 2020 Saint EstepheJames Suckling beschreibt den Chateau Calon Segur 2020 Saint Estephe im Januar 2023 wie folgt:
Blueberries, blackberries, spearmint, currants and sweet spices on the nose. Mocha and walnuts, too. Lots of flavor here, with a medium to full body and muscular yet velvety tannins that melt seamlessly into the wine. Long, polished and delicious already. Keeps going. Better from 2025.

95 Punkte vom Wine Spectator für den Chateau Calon Segur 2020 Saint EstepheJames Molsworth beschreibt Chateau Calon Segur 2020 Saint Estephe im Januar 2023 wie folgt:
This is among the more backward wines of the vintage, showing a slightly burly mix of chestnut, warm paving stone, bay leaf and burnished leather notes amid a densely packed core of black currant and bitter plum reduction. Really riveted, with a warm cast iron spine and a mouthwatering savory edge driving the finish. Lovely character in this wine. Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot. Best from 2026 through 2040. –JM
134,90 EUR
179,87 EUR pro l
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
1 bis 30 (von insgesamt 151)